Pass Port Renewal

When you get your new PP use the form in Comply 365 to update your Pass Port information in the JetBlue database. 

Comply 365 home page >> My Forms (Module) >> My Forms (Tab at the bottom left) >> Flight Ops >> Passport Renewal Form


The process of renewing your passport depends on how much you want to pay, and how long you can be without one.

It all begins with knowing  your expiration date.  Don’t wait until the last minute.  Just like your Medical Cert., you will get a reminder from JetBlue records.

The application process begins with this website:


There you can fill out the online application, and print it for later use.  It is not stored online, but is a very well organized form.  (You must print it)(Remember to sign it as your name appears of the App)

This explanation is based on my recent actual experience.  I wanted to see how fast I could get one, and not be without one at all.

The actual example is for a NY based crewmmember, but the basic procedure is the same for any city with a Pass Port office.   You could even do this on a layover if you time it correctly.

After filling out and printing your Application, you can view a list of cities that have a Pass Port office.

I chose NY.   

New York Passport Agency
Physical Address:
Greater New York Federal Building
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014-3621

When you print your application, it will include details about where to go, when to be there, and a checklist of what to bring.  Be sure you have your old passport with you.

There is a number you can call, (1-877-487-2778)  to make an appointment, if you need it fast.   It is a voice response system that will guide you thru selecting a city, date and time.  It is usually wide open on any date, so have your city, date and time picked out ahead of time.

Write down your confirmation number issued after you make the appointment..

In my situation, I ended a trip in JFK at 0900, so I made an appointment for 1100.  On that trip I travelled with as few bags as possible.

After making your appointment, contact your Chief Pilot secretary for an expedited Passport Letter.
Let the secretary know when your appointment date is.
(Print this  …… )(You must have it with you !!)

Take a 2x2 headshot picture of yourself in plain clothes.  Most drug stores do this, but it cost $10+.
You only need one picture now, no longer two.

I brought $300 cash with me.   $200 for the PP fee, and the rest for cab fare.

Upon arrival in JFK at 0900, I called a cab to take me to the PP office.   Kew Cab, and all the others will take you there, but can’t wait for you for the return trip.

JFK to the Pass Port office is about $48.

On arrival at the Pass Port Office, the lobby has a screening area much like the airport.  No different, same rules.

After screening, take the elevator up to the 10th floor.   When you get out of the elevator, someone will greet you and ask if you have an appointment.  “Yes, I do” is your answer.

You will then be pointed to the proper line.   Actually there was no line, if you had an appt.  Without an appointment, there was about 30 in line.  

You will walk up to the window and give them your appointment confirmation number.

I had everything in a folder with the conf. number written on it.

They will issue you a number , (A111) for example.

Go to the next room, and wait until your number is called.   There are also monitors that display when your number has been called, and which window you should use.

My Appointment was for 1100, and I was called about 10:45.  (Very Surprised)

Walk up to the window.  Give them your Application, Picture, company Id and $200.

($200 assumes you got the Pass Port card as well, highly suggested)

They may ask you when you are traveling next.  I just told them next week, and they were happy with that answer.

The window process takes about 2 minutes.  You will be asked if you want it mailed to you (1 week) or you want to wait for it. (2 hours)  I chose to just have it mailed, as I was commuting home.

If you want to wait, just have a seat until you are called again.

If you have it mailed, then you are done.

Back to the elevator, down to the ground floor.  As you exit the building, turn right, and right again to VARICK street.  Stand on the corner and raise your hand.   A cab will stop and pick you up (Jump in Quick).

About $30 fare back to LGA for my commute home.

5 days later my PP showed up in a nice little plastic sleeve, and the Pass Port card in a somewhat plain envelope.  Be sure not to throw it away.  Looks like junk mail, but your card is in there.

Overall this was a very  well-organized process … not what I expected.

I blocked in from my trip at 0900, and was on my commute home LGA – CLT at 1300.

So about a 4 hour adventure.  Everyone treated me very nice.  Not your typical Government process.

When you get your new PP use the form in Comply 365 to update your Pass Port information in the JetBlue database. 

Comply 365 home page >> My Forms (Module) >> My Forms (Tab at the bottom left)>> Flight Ops >>Passport Renewal Form

Never email Pass Port information.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Craig Pinto
A320 Check Airman --- JFK

​​​      REQUIRED OPERATIONAL APPS  ---   (AERODATA 2.0.9)    (FD Pro X 4.5.2)    (HOTs 2.4.2)    (JETCRW 2.1.2)    (Comply365 6.1.0)             OTHER--- (IOS 16.2.0)   (WSI 2022.1.0)