​​​      REQUIRED OPERATIONAL APPS  ---   (AERODATA 2.0.9)    (FD Pro X 4.5.2)    (HOTs 2.4.2)    (JETCRW 2.1.2)    (Comply365 6.1.0)             OTHER--- (IOS 16.2.0)   (WSI 2022.1.0)

Over Water / Class II
/ Oceanic

Class II Navigation      HF      RADAR Coverage     Who am I talking to?     Position Reports, etc.

The procedures below are for general reference and review.

Actual operations will vary depending on if the aircraft is CPDLC equipped.

Disclaimer: In case of an error here, the JetBlue FOM, FCOM, ABG and QRH always have priority over anything displayed on BlueBrief.

If you are new to ORCA / Oceanic / Class II flying, or you haven’t done it in a while, here is a quick review:

The following discussion is focused mostly on the ORCA or WATRS (Western Atlantic Route System), but the procedures can still apply to any overwater NON-RADAR operations with just a few terminology changes.

ORCA, Class II, Overwater, Oceanic and Non-RADAR area terms are used somewhat together, as they for the most part occur at the same time.

These items should be looked at individually, and not wrapped all together even though they occur at about the same time.   Class II is not determined by RADAR coverage, by who you are talking to, or whether you are using the HF Radio.  It is determined by VOR coverage at JetBlue.

Oceanic procedures Please refer to A320/321 FCOM 1, Chapter 7 to find the iPad Link to the most current Oceanic Procedures.  It is required to refer to the Oceanic Guide  and checklist prior to and during your first oceanic flight of the operational day.  A printed copy of the dispatch release nav log is required for all ORCA/Oceanic and Non-CONUS flights.

Class II – Operating Outside the normal service distance of a VOR.  At normal cruise altitudes, that is about 130 nm.   So for example, if you are navigating overwater, and your route is not defined by a VOR, you are probably Class II.  This requires GPS Updating or complete a Nav Accuracy Check before entering Class II Airspace.  This includes some “A” routes east of Florida, and other routes toward the Bahamas. A Nav Log is also required for these segments if Non-RADAR. 

HF Radio – Required for dispatch during all navigation thru WATRS (Western ATlantic Route System) Airspace.  An HF check is required during your cockpit setup, and again PRIOR to entering WATRS airspace.  Must accept a re-route in Non-Oceanic airspace if HF Check is negative during the preflight check.  Ok to continue if failure occurs after WATRS entry, or if airborn HF check fails, if SATCOM is installed and tested operational.  See your FCOM 1 Oceanic Guide for further details on this.  AGAIN .... If SATCOM is installed, and the Iriduim Ops Check was successfully completed, the flight may continue if the inflight HF Check fails.  If the ground HF Check fails or HF is MEL'd, then the flight must be re-planned over non-oceanic/WATRS routing, even if SATCOM is installed.  This will eventually change pending FAA Approval.

SELCAL Check – A positive check is required, or you must monitor the HF Frequency at all times when the HF is required.  If the check is negative, switch to another HF freq,  key the mic, return to the assigned freq, key the mic again, then re-attempt the SELCAL check.   SELCAL stands for SELective CALling.  Any change in HF Freqs, requires a new SELCAL check.  ARINC is good about doing this automatically.  They have a copy of your ATC strip, and already know your SELCAL code.  A proper method is to only give them the code on the initial call.

Position Reports – Required in Non-RADAR Airspace or anytime one is requested by ATC..   Actual fix crossings should be within  +/- 2 minutes of the ETA given in the prior report.  Remember if you join a new airway or cleared direct, that fix is now a compulsory point even if not designated as so.  Look at your flight plan as well when determining CRPs.


This is important.  Be sure you understand how compulsory reporting points are determined in Oceanic/Non-RADAR Airspace. Even with CPDLC/ADS-C, you are still responsible for position reporting.  If ADS-C fails, you should quickly be ready to resume the position reporting yourself.

After displaying your oceanic route in JeppFD Pro X, look at the point where Oceanic begins.  That is usually your first position report.  Now look at page 1 of your flight plan, and see how the dispatcher filed your route.  Make note of any direct routings or airway changes.  Direct to a fix, leaving an airway or joining an airway are all compulsory points.

Now look at every fix along your route.  A solid waypoint symbol is compulsory unless there is a Ball Note that says it is not.  Read the notes carefully.  If the note is referring to you, it will mention your airway and your direction of travel.  For example, if you are southbound on L-455, and the note says "L-455 Northbound on Request", that note is not talking to you, so the solid waypoint is still compulsory.   During the route verification process at the gate, both crews should agree on the compulsory points.

Weather Deviations – Remember, weather deviation requests take a little time, so plan early.   As usual, know which way you want to deviate,  how many miles off track you will will require, and when you can be back on course.  If you need 10 miles, right, ask for 20.   This request is made thru AIRINC Voice if CPDLC is not installed.  They will pass the request along to ATC, and get back to you in a few minutes. Remember to ask for MILES, LEFT or RIGHT.  Do not ask for 20 degrees left or use the terms North, East, South or West. If the HF freq is so busy you can not get in your request in time, please reference the Oceanic Guide for the proper procedure. Best to use the "Track Offset" feature to deviate, rather than the HDG bug.  This will allow flight plan to sequence properly, and position report times will be accurate.  More critical if CPDLC equipped.  As a general rule, in oceanic / non-RADAR airspace you should always avoid being in HDG mode if possible.  Either be in NAV or on a heading to intercept a NAV course with NAV armed.

With CPDLC, the link to send the "BACK ON ROUTE" message is on the right side of the ATC COMM page under REPORTS.


When you request a weather deviation offset you have 3 options.   LEFT, RIGHT, or the third option is just to ask for a deviation with the required miles, and do not specify L or R.   This allows ATC to assign L, R or they may let you choose the direction as needed.  Be very careful to read the clearance they give you, as it may be different than what you requested.

Example of a VOICE Weather Deviation Request:
Go ahead with your request JetBlue 123
BACK ON COURSE BY XXXXX  (You can give them a Fix or a time)

ARINC will readback your request, and ask you to stand by.
They will then call you back or SELCAL you,  with an ATC deviation clearance.

It's usually what you requested, but listen carefully, as it might be slightly different.
If the deviation is declined, have a plan B ready.   Remember, plan early.

Be sure to report back on course.

So for every overwater flight you should ask yourself:
1. Where does your Class II airspace start and where does it end?  Rte Verified?   Circle/Slash?
2. Is an HF required?   Is an operable and tested SATCOM Installed?
3. When will I be switching to ARINC?
4. Where are my compulsory Reporting Points?
5. Where are the Non-RADAR areas?
6. Where are my ETP airports?
7. What are the HF Freqs in use for today? (Avail from ATC or ARINC LDOC)
8. Is there weather enroute?  Request Deviations early !!!
9. Is this a Domestic or Flag Flight Plan?  Note different MCDU fuel entries.
10. Have I reviewed the Oceanic Guide for everything else I’m supposed to remember?
11. Where are the FIR entry points, and what Freq should I use? (Call :10 prior)

12. Is my Aircraft CPDLC equipped?  What do I do if it disconnects while Enroute?

Here’s a Typical JFK – SJU Flight.
1. Review the Oceanic Guide Class II section as needed.
2. Enter the Route on iPad.
3. Check all Class II / Oceanic Waypoints.  Pilot entering route in MCDU, reads from flight plan.
4. Runway is displayed on ND as usual before takeoff.  Note fuel and off time, for later use with "flight log".
5. While still talking to NY Center, call ARINC on the current LDOC HF Freq get the HF Freqs in use for your route, and time of day. This is not required, but is helpful in case NY forgets to hand you off to ARINC.   If all fails, HF freqs are listed in the ABG (ARINC VOICE)  This is a good time to do your HF and SELCAL Check before entering WATRS.

(Update --- A link is now available at the top of this page as well as the upper left of the bluebrief homepage to determine your LDOC and Enroute HF Freqs to use.  Use this for preflight planning.  The ATC assigned freqs may vary at certain times of the day, and have priority.)

6. IF not SATCOM equipped, get a final ACARS weather request for the ETP diversion airports as well as the destination and alternates.  Do this before you lose ACARS coverage.  If SATCOM is operable, your flight will retain ACARS communication.
7. When handed off to ARINC, you should call them on the assigned freq as soon as possible even if it is prior to the first position report.  (NOTE --  If you are within a few minutes of the initial fix, it is OK to wait until crossing to make the first call, and do a full position report then, followed by your SELCAL code if you didn't give it to them earlier.)

If CPDLC equipped, just advise them of the first fix ETA and they your are "CPDLC Connected".

Oceanic ATC would like to remind us that if we wait too long to make the initial call or freq change, they may not be able to get in touch with us, as they do not know which freq to SELCAL us on.

See the Enroute Map Image above to help with the following explanations:

8. Before doing your position report, know what you are going to say before you key up.
9. Always best to use headsets when talking on the HF.  You can hear better and less feedback.
10. Example:                NY Center Clears you Direct PAEPR
                                    10 Miles prior to PAEPR, Handed off to NY Radio 129.9
                                    Plan your Position report for PAEPR (write it down, first)
                                    When crossing, note the TIME and FUEL

Your compulsory points are PAEPR, SAUCR & ONGOT (You read the Ball Note for ONGOT, but it was for only M325)
Sample position Report:

(Speak Slowly and Clearly, and wear your headset for all AIRINC communications)

Remember you are not speaking to a controller, but rather an operator.

                                   Aircraft:      “New York RADIO … JetBlue 123, Position”
                                   ARINC:       “JetBlue 123, New York”
                                   Aircraft:       “JetBlue 123 Position PAEPR  at 1423" (One Four Two Three)
                                                     "Flight Level 320,  Mach Decimal 78"
                                                     "Estimating SAUCR at 1428" (One Four Two Eight)
                                                     "ONGOT Next"
                                                      "Fuel 28.5" (“Two Eight Decimal Five”) 
                                                      "SELCAL –  Hotel Charlie Zulu Mike"
                                  ARINC:          Will Readback your report, then:
                                                       “JetBlue 123, contact ARINC now on 5550, Backup  6586”
                                 Aircraft:           Switch to 5550, key mic to hear tone if freq is clear.
                                                    “New York, New York, JetBlue 123, SELCAL Check”
                                 ARINC:        “JetBlue 123, here comes your SELCAL Check"
                                 Aircraft:        “SELCAL Check Good, Thank you”  or, “Negative SELCAL Check”

            Monitor 123.45 and 121.5
            1 or 2 mile RIGHT Offset is required.  (0 is only approved for temporary needs, wx, wake turb, etc)
            Be aware of your ETP location and  track your Nav Log in Class II/Non-RADAR
            RVSM Altimeter Check +/- 200’
            Know when your next position report is. (Is the time within +/- 2 mins of  your ETA?)

           At your last position report, you will be given a Freq for SJU Center, and a point to call them.

           If CPDLC equipped, a Freq for SJU Center will be transmitted to you, prior to entering their airspace.

           SJU is not bad, but it’s always a good idea to get on the headsets when talking to other
           Island Controllers, as they can be hard to understand. 


          Refer to your Oceanic FCOM 1 Guide for additional help.