The following is a differences refresher if you find your self assigned to a NEO Aircraft.
As always, any JetBlue provided training information has priority over anything you may read here.
The Spring 2019 QDL has a very good NEO Training section, as well as
Flt Ops Bulletin 2019-BLTN-F018.
These graphics were provided by JBU.

Delivery Schedule
2019 --------- 5
2020 -------- 12 (??)

Thru 2024 -- 80


P & W 1133GA-JM
33,000 Lbs Thrust
N1 Replaces EPR
Packs and Anti-Ice Status Displayed just above N1   (Dual Cooling is not available below Oil Temp of 15c/59F)
Engine Clearance – 9” less                                     (Thanks to Captain Owen Clifton CK, for researching this limitation)
Normal FADEC Controlled Engine Starting.
FADEC must be powered to view oil quantity. (14 Qts min.   OAT less than minus 30C = 16.5 Qts min)
An automatic Dry Crank for cooling may occur prior to the start.

Dual Cooling Button - Allows dry crank temp stabilization/cooling of both engines at once.
                              - Press Dual Cooling button, then start eng 1. (No need to Dual Cool for expected taxi over :20)

                              - Both engines will dry crank, but only eng 1 will start.                    COOLING
Only start one engine at a time, similar to current A320/321 SOPs                              00'40"
Start Valve will be open for a longer period - This is normal
Start Limits –      35 Seconds between Start Cycles (3 Auto Starts)
                         15 Minute cooling after 3rd start cycle.
                         Do not engage starter if N2 is above 20%
Auto Ignition does not come on for Anti-Ice, Takeoff Thrust set, or
Flap > 0 for Landing.

After Landing – ALWAYS a 3 minute engine cooling period, even if
arriving at gate.
                           ******  Beacon must remain on ********

Dimentions & Weights:


Taxi -------- 207,014 lbs.
Takeoff ---- 206,132 lbs.
Landing ----174,606 lbs.


Overwing Exits and Doors:

Overwing Exits always armed just like A320,
and automatically lock during takeoff.

Doors ---    1L / 1R  - are normal for all aircraft.
                 2L / 2R  - have been removed.
                 OW ------ Same on all NEOs
                 3L / 3R – 321 NEO High Density (Non-Mint) Only
                 4L / 4R -  High Density & Mint Aircraft

 Cockpit Door Deadbolt - Used only if more than one cockpit door locking strike fails or for failure of locking system.

Fuel System

Wing Tanks – 13,000 lbs each. (Engines always feed from Wing tanks)
                          Center Tank – 14,200 lbs.
                          ACT 1 ----------- 5400 lbs.
                          ACT 2 ----------- 5400 lbs. (Mint Aircraft Only)

                          ACT 2 is used first, then ACT 1
                         (Transfers to Ctr tank beginning approx. 30 min after gear retraction)

(A Manual ACT Transfer Panel has been added to transfer fuel if directed by a non normal checklist)

Cargo Smoke Panel:

   Simplified operation     ECAM directs you to press one button, the rest is automatic.
                                        1 button – Fires 2 bottles at the same time.
                                        (Bottle 1 --- 60 second quick agent discharge to put out the fire)
                                        (Bottle 2  -- 195 minute slow discharge, to keep fire out)
                                        195 minutes meets the 180 minute + :15 minute reserve ETOPS requirement

ATSAW – Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness

                 (This is kind of a combined TCAS and ADS-B Display)

                  ND – Normal TCAS Symbols – that is a TCAS target only
                         Aircraft Symbol overlayed with a TCAS symbol – That is TCAS and ADS – B target

                 Traffic Select Knob next to PFD and (MCDU Traff) buttons to control display and information.


ENHANCED RADAR – New Features – 60 NM Look Ahead for Turbulence (Magenta Returns)
                                                                   Predictive Lightning Symbols
                                                                   Alerts to monitor RADAR Display for approaching weather
                                                                   Enhanced Predictive Windshear Warnings
                                                                   Magenta Arcs - REACT (Area of Attenuation)
                                                                                        - Possible hidden weather, Avoid these areas.

Flare Law

During landing, pitch freezes/memorized at 100', no nose down trim as on the classic aircraft.
Result is a slightly lighter feel during the flare. 

Soft G0-Around (SGA)

                    Select TOGA, (Must see GA TRK on FMA) – Then select MCT
                    2000 FPM climb is commanded
                    At THR RED ALT - Select CLB to resume normal climb

Ground Speed Mini

                     Vapp + 1/3 (Current HW - Tower reported HW) = GS Mini

CAT II/III Wind Limitations
                    Headwind ------------- 15K
                   Tailwind --------------- 10K
                   Crosswind ------------- 10K


GLS Approaches – (This is a combined GPS/ILS approach using GPS and a ground based station)
                                    - We are currently not approved for these approaches.
                                    - When approved, fly a GLS just like an ILS.


CPDLC VHF Freq Loading (This feature may be activated in the future)
                         - A new RMP has a LOAD button
                         - When ATC sends a Freq Change request via CPDLC, the LOAD button illuminates.
                         - Press LOAD to send the Freq to the STBY side of the RMP, then press xfer as usual.
                         - After pressing LOAD, you can close the message.

Crew Oxygen

Normal single Push Button - Operates 2 O2 Bottles (Can now be refilled, rather than replaced)

A321 NEO Refresher

​​​      REQUIRED OPERATIONAL APPS  ---   (AERODATA 2.0.9)    (FD Pro X 4.5.2)    (HOTs 2.4.2)    (JETCRW 2.1.2)    (Comply365 6.1.0)             OTHER--- (IOS 16.2.0)   (WSI 2022.1.0)